Hickeys: the Original Tramp Stamp

Hickeys: the Original Tramp Stamp

We treat kissing so casually, but we shouldn’t treat it lightly. A kiss is powerful. Emotional. Personal. God breathed into dust and created a man, and what is kissing besides the intimate exchange of breaths?  –excerpt The Cinderella RuleFound this...
What is kissing?

What is kissing?

coming this spring!
No Cheating!

No Cheating!

Pinterest proves it. We want we can’t have. Some of my boards are full of recipes, DIY (do-it-yourself) projects, photo ideas, funny pictures, and quotes. Some of them are full of clothes I wish I had and the house I dream of. But I love Pinterest and waste...
Fashion 101

Fashion 101

God is a fashion designer. He richly clothed the animals, although the armadillo got the short end of the stick on that one. I pay homage to His design every time I polish my signature “zebra-stripes” on my big toes. In all our splendor, sometimes we get caught up in...
…for the Gentlemen…

…for the Gentlemen…

A friend of mine shared this article on Facebook and I was quietly cheering in my seat as I read it. (No need to wake up the baby with my screams of “Yes! Yes!” “That’s right!” and “Amen!”)Out of his list, my favorite for the...
Crossing the Red Line

Crossing the Red Line

Have you ever read a Reader’s Digest?I love the joke pages and they sometimes put funny jokes at the end of their articles (but I don’t have any jokes for this article, so if you’re expecting one…don’t.)An article from the July/August...