2024 Speaking Events
March 9 – Writing Day Workshop Colorado [online]
March 15-17 – Mid-South Christian Writers Conference
March 23 – Chesapeake Writing Workshop (DC)
May 26-30 – Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (BRMCWC)
September 5-7 – NC Writing & Marketing Intensive
(registration TBA)
October 16-20 – Florida Christian Writers Conference (tentative)

Workshops & Keynotes
Each keynote and workshop will be tailored specifically for your audience and demographic so that your audience will always feel comfortable. To see the workshop descriptions, click on each title below to open.
Pitches, Queries, & Professional Know-How in Publishing
Be prepared for what could possibly be your life-changing 15-minute appointment with agents and editors, upcoming media appearances, and speaking engagements.
These tips and tricks include:
- The do’s and don’t’s for pitching editors and agents
- How to maximize Twitter/X pitch events
- Common terminology used during the querying process
- The elements of great query letters
- Tools to help organize and streamline your #AmQuerying journey
- Questions to ask when you get “the call”
Content Marketing 101
In this workshop you’ll learn how to become the “resource expert in your niche. We’ll discuss how to build credibility with your audience and strategies to create content through your blog, social media, and email list that your readers want and will share.
Whether you write fiction, nonfiction, or for children, this class will give you the building blocks that will turn the stress of marketing into an exciting way to provide value.
Latest in Social Media & Content Creation
Marketing is all about serving others. In this workshop, Bethany Jett lays the framework for successful marketing practices, including:
- Why it’s crucial to utilize new media and traditional media practices
- How to use content marketing to your advantage without spending a lot of money
- A breakdown of the “Top 8” New Media platforms
- The 10 Steps of Integrated Marketing (and how to put them into practice today!)
- Why the GRACE campaign will bring freedom to your writing and marketing
Nonfiction Proposals that Get Results
Your proposal is the advocate for your book. Essentially, it is you on the paper explaining why your book should be chosen for publication. Understandably, proposals are not easy and they take a lot of time, thought, and multiple drafts. In this workshop, Bethany Jett will breakdown each section of the proposal and share tips to enhance and develop each one, including:
- How to leverage your biography for the greatest impact,
- The difference between influencers and endorsers and why you need them both,
- Establishing a marketing plan,
- Why the Market Analysis section is vital to get right,
- Tips for chapter development, and more.
7 Killer Tips for Writing a Picture Book Query That Agents Will Love
Do you have a picture book manuscript that you’re ready to query, but you’re not sure where to start? Or maybe you’ve sent out dozens of queries, but you’re not getting any bites?
In this workshop, you’ll learn the 7 essential keys to writing a query letter that will get noticed by agents and editors.
3 Pillars of a Great Nonfiction Book
In this workshop, you’ll learn the key elements every nonfiction book should have. Whether you write devotionals or books on leadership, you’ll be able to outline your manuscript with confidence, add the right balance of storytelling, and create nonfiction books that will be read cover-to-cover.
5 Steps to Organizing and Excelling at Your Writing Business
Many writers find themselves trying to juggle their writing and marketing time with a full-time job, raising a family, volunteering, and a myriad of other responsibilities and obligations.
Our spiritual, mental, and physical health must be prioritized so we can care for ourselves and the people we love. In this workshop, Bethany Jett shares:
- Resourceful tips and strategies to organize your busy schedule and integrate your marketing plan seamlessly,
- How to stay on top of your business finances, and
- How to balance your family life utilizing digital calendars, tools, and your favorite planner systems.
If you’re interested in connecting with Bethany, you reach her via the contact form below.