Submissions Closed
Currently, submissions are closed due to my dad’s cancer diagnosis, and I am stepping back from reviewing new projects for the foreseeable future.
Updates will be posted on this page when I am able to reopen. Your understanding during this time is deeply appreciated.
Best wishes as you continue your writing journey.

The query letter is your first impression, so make it count! For more info on writing a great query letter can be found here.
Query Tips
While not all agents feel the same way regarding queries that come into their inbox, here are some things specific to me:
Please don’t stress if there is a typo. Heavens know I’m grateful for editors! That said, multiple typos are a different story!
I’m not picky about how I’m addressed in the query letter, but these options are fine: Bethany, Bethany Jett, or Mrs. Jett.
I don’t require a specific format for how your query is crafted. However, I appreciate seeing the manuscript details at the top before getting into the plot.
Here is a simple formula for writing your query letter:
- Greeting
- Opening (personalized if applicable, i.e., “I met you at a conference,” “I follow you on Twitter/X,” etc.)
- Metadata (genre, word count, comps, tropes if applicable, a taste of your platform if it’s NF, etc)
- Pitch for the book
- Short bio
- Close
Querying FAQs
Can I submit via your agency email?
Can I submit via your agency email?
No. Submissions must be submitted through my Query Manager (QM) here: QueryManager.com/bethanyjett
You can set up a free account on the author side of QM called Query Tracker. If you are unable to use Query Manager, you can submit to the submissions inbox of the CYLE agency.
That said, I strive to be as accessible as possible, so if you have issues using a form, please let me know via my Contact page and I will assist you in querying me via email.
When should I expect a response?
If I’m interested in representing your work, I will be in touch. I do my best to respond to each query, even if it’s with a form rejection (sorry!) My goal is to be in touch as soon as possible, although it can take 12-15 weeks.
That said, unsolicited submissions sent outside of Query Manager are automatically rejected.
Do you offer feedback if you reject my query?
Not always. I know how much time goes into well-crafted queries, so I try to provide feedback if I have something specific to share that will be helpful.
That said, it’s challenging to provide feedback to all queries due to the ratio of queries in the inbox and the time it takes to review them. If you’re looking for feedback, finding beta readers and critique groups is your best bet.
Can I submit or remind you about a query in Facebook Messenger, Twitter, or Instagram DMs, or by texting?
Please don’t. These messages will not be responded to.
Do you accept simultaneous submissions?
Yes. I assume all queries are being sent to other agents.
However, if you’ve submitted to someone else within the C.Y.L.E. Agency, do not submit to me.
I haven’t heard back and would like to “nudge.” Should I?
I know waiting is hard! I’m not a fan of the nudge because I have two “nudges” set up in Query Manager that alert me if a query has gone unanswered after xx number of days.
If it’s been five months and you’ve not received a response, please nudge because it may have been missed.
Can you explain how you utilize R&Rs?
An R&R means that you’ve been invited to revise and resubmit. This doesn’t mean your resubmission moves to the top of the inbox, but it does give you the opportunity for a second chance.
I’m not a huge proponent of the R&R because I don’t want writers to put in a lot of developmental work only for me to turn around reject the manuscript.
If I’m interested in an R&R, I’ll request to set up a conversation to discuss editorial visions.
Why does it take so long to hear back if the website says an agent is open for submissions?
An agent’s first priority is to her clients, which means a lot of time is spent with their work, shopping the manuscripts, contract negotiations, and the business side of agenting.
While agents who are open to submissions are willing to add new clients to their list, they must make sure they’re managing their time well (which is something you want your agent to do for you!).
FAQ (before "the call")
You're an Associate Literary Agent. Will I be working with anyone else at the agency?
While I have autonomy with my clients, Cyle Young, the owner of C.Y.L.E., oversees all contracts and is my go-to for questions or assistance.
Do you use a written agreement or contract?
We have an electronic contract that we send via Adobe DocuSign.
Who is your ideal client?
I believe the agent/author relationship is a partnership with mutual respect for each other’s roles.
I look for authors who are:
- Career-oriented
- Teachable (Able to handle edits/critique)
- Respectful of deadlines
- Professional
- Willing to market their books
Do I have input in what publishers get shopped?
I appreciate when my clients are interested in which publishers we send their manuscripts to. I’m always open to my client’s suggestions and take them into account when I’m creating my submission list.
That said, one of my jobs as an agent is to create and build relationships with editors and to understand which houses will be a good fit for each project.
Is the contract for all books or just for this one book?
Our contract is for all books because I want to work wholly with an author for their entire career.
The exception: In some cases, we’ve amended the contract to be for a specific book. This is dependent on the client’s backlist, genre(s), and goals, and how we can best work together.
I've published books before. Would you get a percentage of those sales?
No. Those sales are yours!
Can you share about your process or role?
My submission strategy is tailored to each client, but I hope this offers an overall general understanding of some of the roles I have with my clients:
- If you’re writing in more than one genre, we can shop multiple manuscripts as long as they’re non-competing. There is a strategy to this, though. I don’t just throw manuscripts out on submission willy-nilly.
- I work with you on the proposal, particularly the marketing section.
- I help with the developmental edit of the proposal portion of the manuscript and chapters. Once a publishing contract is offered, their editorial team steps in.
- During contract negotiations, I ensure you understand the aspects of the contract.
- I am available if any situation arises with the publisher.
- I will help with career guidance to give you the best possible chance of success!