The Cinderella Rule is an excellent resource for both teenaged girls and the parents, relatives, teachers, mentors and friends who want them to seek a “prince” who will woo and pursue them. Bethany Jett’s writing style is practical, full of wisdom and engaging. I plan on buying this book for my 19-year-old daughter . . . and for her boyfriend, too.
Arron Chambers
Pastor and Author of Remember Who You Are and Eats with Sinners
In a world where young women are inundated with messages telling them to chase after the bad boy, beast or vampire, it is refreshing to hear one telling them that they are worthy of a godly prince. As a father of a teenaged girl, I appreciate Bethany’s insights and advice. Both are timely and inspiring for young Cinderellas navigating the sometimes confusing world of love and dating. I laughed, I cried, I got a pedicure.
Family Minister at Journey Christian Church, Greeley, Colorado
Renee Fisher
Spirited Speaker and Author of Faithbook of Jesus, Not Another Dating Book and Forgiving Others, Forgiving Me (
The Cinderella Rule is a beautiful and compelling look at what it means to be a daughter of the King and bride of Christ. Bethany Jett does a marvelous job of pointing young women to their true beauty and value within and guides them on a journey filled with hope and promise.
Nicole O’Dell
Founder of Choose NOW Ministries, Author of The Diamond Estates Series
Laura L. Smith
Author of Skinny, Hot, Angry and the Status Updates Series