The Vulnerability of Writing

The Vulnerability of Writing

Writing = vulnerability. The publishing world is full of rejection, just like life. But in this literary arena, we aren’t rejected because of who we are. No. The rejection is of the outpourings of our souls. Or celebrated, depending on the subjectivity of the...
What Language Do You Speak?

What Language Do You Speak?

I didn’t think Justin and I fought a lot when we were dating until we read The Five Love Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman. I realized I took it for granted when Justin would hold open car doors for me. After all, I was looking for a gentleman. What I realized was...
Through the Eyes of Hope Released Today!!!!

Through the Eyes of Hope Released Today!!!!

Writing a book is a long journey. Even before you write a single word, there is a process of outlining the story, negotiating deadlines, and finally getting a signed contract. Today is the culmination of months of work. I’m thrilled to be part of Through...
Be the CEO of your Life

Be the CEO of your Life

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I spent New Year’s weekend redesigning a new Semi-Annual planner to add to the My Moments collection. My menfolk took a boys-only trip out-of-state and I was left blissfully alone, the house, the TV, the food to myself. Heaven. I...
Shadowbox Worthy Gifts

Shadowbox Worthy Gifts

It’s past my kids’ bedtime. They have their screens upstairs, so I know they’re not asleep. Honestly, I don’t really care that they’re still awake. Justin is laying across the ottoman, his legs outstretched, his head resting on our wingback chair as he reads some...