Soul Friends

[guestpost]I am a featured columnist for Choose Now Ministries. This is a recent article from my On Friendship column. Enjoy! [/guestpost]

Have you ever met a soulmate friend? Someone who understands and totally “gets” you, even though you’ve just met?

me and Wendy Fitzgerald

It’s a rare occurrence, but finding a soulmate friend, or soul-friend for short, is a wonderful experience. These special come into your life for a minute, an hour, or a lifetime, but regardless of their length of stay in your life, you’re bonded together for eternity.

Finding a soul-friend usually takes you by surprise. All of a sudden your adrenaline starts pumping. You find yourself smiling, and can’t make yourself stop. You feel giddy, as the “real” you comes bursting out even though you’ve just met this person. Usually the “real self” can be pretty shy. You’re enjoying this person’s company and don’t ever want it to end.

And then the inevitable happens. Your palms get sweaty and you stop listening to the conversation as self-doubt clouds your mind. This person is cool, awesome, and funny…why would they want to be friends with you?   Continue Reading…



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Bethany Jett

Bethany Jett loves sipping coffee and jamming in her planner while raising three boys with her college sweetheart Justin.

November 25, 2013

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