There’s a fun thing that authors love to do besides sitting around a laptop snacking on M&Ms and Coke Zero (or is that only me?) and that is to promote other authors. I was asked to participate in the Writer’s World Blog Tour, which means I’m answering four quick “interview” questions, and introducing you to a few people that I think you’ll LOVE. These ladies will be continuing the Tour on their pages next week!
Writer’s World Blog Tour
The person who invited me is the fabulous Sherri Wilson Johnson. She has one of the sweetest hearts, and I can’t wait to meet her in person one day and give her a big ol’ hug. You can find Sherri’s interview for the Writer’s World Blog Tour here.
Meet Sherri
Sherri is an Inspirational Romance novelist, a speaker, and a former homeschooling mom who’d rather have laugh lines under her eyes than worry lines across her forehead. She lives in Georgia with her husband, her two children, and her Chihuahua, Posey.
Her favorite thing to do when she’s not with her family is to curl up with a good book or to work on her current work-in-progress. She loves to dream of visiting romantic places and is passionate about the Lord, motherhood, homeschooling, and writing.
Sherri is the author of To Dance Once More and Song of the Meadowlark. Her third novel, To Laugh Once More, releases in September! She is a columnist with Habits for a Happy Home and Choose NOW Ministries.
My “Interview”
Now I have to answer four questions that were asked of every author participating in the Writer’s World Blog Tour.
What are you working on now?
I am currently collaborating on a project with two amazing women. The book is about how Girlfriends (with a capital G) are extremely important to how we function as women…and what loving others like Jesus does can do inside the church and outside…even crossing into the sex industry. I’m more than excited about it!
I’m also in the proposal stage of my next book, which will hopefully be a series on relationships, breaking down friendships, family, and yourself (along with early marriage advice). I’m pretty pumped about it, too.
How does your work differ from others in its genre?
What sets me apart is my “voice.” The blessings of working in youth ministry for so long, and now coaching high school cheerleading, have allowed me to stay connected to what’s really going on in high school and college for young women.
Also, several of the girls that graduated from our youth group have stayed in close connection to me, so I have a group of girls that I “mentor” without actually using that term with them.
Why do you write what you do?
I think the late teens and early-mid twenties are some of the best experiences. You find out who you are, what you stand for, and decide the beginnings of the kind of person you want to become. I find this age so teachable and yearning for someone to reach out and help them navigate these scary waters of adulthood.
It’s a wise person who can learn from the mistakes of others. I want them to be wise.
How does your writing process work?
I have to be “in the zone.” Sometimes it takes a while to hit that sweet spot. I find that I’m always thinking and writing in my head. When I know I have a deadline, I may do laundry, get on Pinterest, or watch a show while I formulate.
It’s like I have a ticking time bomb in my head…and BAM! once it goes off, I can sit at my laptop and just go. This is not an easy way to write, especially with a million distractions. But I do find that doing something while I think helps the creativity flow, even if it’s watching TV, doing dishes, or reading fiction.
The ladies I am introducing to you are amazing women. I know you’ll love them! They are posting their interviews and introducing you to two new authors on their sites next week! (I know I introduced three, but I broke the rules.)
Meet Tina Yeager

Connect with Tina:
Meet Jo Ann Fore
Jo Ann Fore is a women’s ministry consultant and a popular blogger; she’s also the award-winning author of When A Woman Finds Her Voice: Overcoming Life’s Hurts & Using Your Story to Make a Difference.
With a willingness to step into the hard places, Jo Ann serves a powerful promise of hope to a woman’s heart. Often writing about the tough challenges today’s Christian women face, Jo Ann proves how God can use every piece of our lives {no matter how broken}. Her encouraging words have been featured in Guideposts, Christianity Today’s Just Between Us &Today’s Christian Woman, Lifeway’s HomeLife, as well as many other magazines.
When she’s not writing, she’s just a girl who loves peppermint tea, organic salads, and books that make a difference. She and comedy-magician husband Matt live in the mountains of Tennessee, where she talks incessantly about her grand-daughter Lacey Jane.
Connect with Jo Ann online at and @joannfore.
Meet Sabrena Klausman
Sabrena Klausman earned her Bachelor of Arts from Palm Beach Atlantic University in 1997 and has served more than fifteen years as a pastor’s wife, church planter, and curriculum-writer. Together with her husband, she co-founded a nonprofit organization, Faceless Productions, Inc., which specializes in church curriculum and leadership training.
Sabrena’s first book, Zombie Christian, the sacred undead, is being released by Tate Publishers on September 30, 2014. To learn more about Sabrena, check out her website at