The Cinderella Rule Study

Book Study Info


Thank you so much for using The Cinderella Rule as a study with your students! I’ve broken the study into eight weeks, and if you need to have a shorter time frame, just double up on a couple of weeks. Ideally, the girls will already have read the chapters for the week, and you can do a quick recap and start the discussion.

Each week will include a short intro video from me to be played for your students, and there are discussion questions in the back of the book for each chapter. Feel free to “rabbit-trail” off the questions if the Holy Spirit is leading you in a certain direction.

I recommend having a separate study for high school and middle school girls, as the experience and maturity levels are so different. I’ve done the study incorporating college freshmen and sophomore students along with my high school students, and it worked because they all knew each other. If you have a large enough group to separate them, that’s a great idea!

For middle school students: Because the questions were written with a 16-24-year-old in mind, I recommend asking the questions in the form of “Do you know anyone who…” or “Has a friend of yours ever…” as it takes a bit of pressure off of the girls who may be a bit more experienced at such a young age.

 Let’s Get Started!

*Note: updated 9/22/13 with different chapters for the different weeks.

Week One: Introduction, Chapter One: Confidence, and Chapter Two: Preparation

Week Two: Chapter Three: Qualifying & Chapter Four: Positioning

Week Three: Chapter Five: Attire & Chapter 6: Femininity

Week Four: Chapter 7: Availability & Chapter 8: Communication

Week Five: 
Chapter 9: Boundaries

Chapter 10: Kissing

Week Six: 
Chapter 11: Kissing Plus

Ch 12: Sex

Week Seven: Ch 13: Exit Strategy & Ch 14: Engagement

Week Eight: Bonus! Have a sleepover, or ice cream party!